Ermm...dunno how to start the story...let me make it short n simple. I started to work in early 2003 after finished my study. Here is the pic when I still single...hehehe...(girl with pink cardigan..pnjangnye rambut) but actually at this time (the pic was taken) I was working with INTEC Engineering but it was not my first job. Before that, I've worked with Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Maybank Finance Berhad, KFC KLCC & Renaissance Hotel KL. Insyallah, I'll upload more pics next time.
As I said, I'll make it short and simple. I've met my Mr. Right in early December 2003 (See pic...macam model ubat gigi...huhu)

Start dating my Mr. Right on 12th Dec 2003. H

Decided to have a strong relationship on 3rd June 2006.

We've decide to get married on 2nd June 2007.
We're declare as hubby n wife to orang kampung on 3rd June 2007 (Sanding). So..it's enough for tonite. Hehe never expect that buat blog penat macamni...hehe...c ya ...
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