So my hubby pon berhenti untuk tengok apa yg menarik, n we realised that stall yang long que tu jual COCUNUT SHAKE!. So, my hubby and my brother (yg ikut kiterang) dengan bersemangat pegi joint the que, huhu....then, for about 20 minutes berpanas, my hubby dapat bawak balik 3 Cocunut Shake ke kereta. Check out the pics...
Amboi..nikmatnye. Cocunut Shake nih RM2.50 each. It was mixture of cocunut juice with Wall's Vanilla Ice-cream. Rasa dia not bad la. I think ramai org attract to this Cocunut Shake because cuaca tepi laut tersangat la panas. But for me, maybe kalau tokey dia upgrade sket Cocunut Shake ni contoh macam dia tambah air gule melaka supaya bertambah wangi, maybe it can make his Cocunut Shake more spread away. (Cewah..cam bagus jek aku nih kan).
Lepas habes slurp Cocunut Shake tuh, we decide untuk balik sebab memang tak tahan panas yang tahap gaban haritu. On the way back tu, my hubby and I mule la pasang angan2 kunun nk bukak bisnes Cocunut Shake nanti kat KL. Hehe...x salah kan pasang angan2. "Success Can't Be Achieved Without Dreams" or "The Power of Dreams" (Slogan kete Honda)...huhu.
Ooopsss, terlupa pulak, we all sempat singgah Muar (Tanjung Agas). Bawak Aliyyah pi lepak tepi muara kene angin laut. Seronok betol cek mek tuh, tapi x boleh lama2 sbb x elokkan angin senja. Smpat tapau Mee Bandung Muar for supper. (Lupe nk snap pics...dah penat sgt).
Ceronotnyeee bwk anak jalan2... Aliyyah klu tambah berat mesti lg kiut...